Thursday 28 August 2014

An employee, a student, a writer, and an engaged woman walk into a bar...

This is kind of what my life has been lately. I know that there are many others who juggle this kind of crazy and more, so I'm not going to complain. Okay...maybe a little bit. Maybe a lot. I'm not saying my life is a joke either, but in the quiet moments left to myself I might be laughing slightly hysterically.

I guess it's no news that a full-time job, a master's class, and a fiance can take up a lot of a persons time. My blogging, and even worse, my writing has fallen to the wayside. It's a bad feeling, one I knew all too well during my time earning my Bachelors. I had to put aside what I loved doing in favor of earning a degree. It's not exactly the same situation, but it might as well be.

Okay, complaining segment done, on to the promises I may or may not keep! I am going to update more, a lot more. I'm behind two book reviews, something I plan to change in the next few moments, and I am about two weeks behind on editing my novel.

I can do this! Probably. By giving up sleep...

Who needs sleep right?

Anyway, to all you out there wearing twenty hats and teetering on the edge of crazy, you're awesome. Anyone have special ways of handling the pandemonium?

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