Now that I have finished my first novel (which I still like to call my big long story), I've almost settled on the next big step.
The state of the world has become more and more alarming to me with each day. How little the problems with major issues such as rape culture, gender equality, sexual equality, and cultural equality are discussed in the light of how important they are troubles me deeply. The ignorance and misunderstanding, especially in today's youth concerning these issues is even more of a problem. To speak out about these things is to be considered fanatical, the "dreaded feminist" or "wackjob liberal" . These political and social terms are thrown around as political parties duke it out for power, but no real information is being relaid to young people. In high school it is taught that the long hard war of equality is won (at least in concerns to the United States education). Teachers relay the history of gender and social inequality and that the fight is over, when in fact today problems continue, only with a unique twist that fits them perfectly to the times, tailored social inequality.
Stepping away from this thought for a moment, in my Victorian Literature class we recently read the novel, Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy. The novel itself presents the idea of Tess as the main protagonist and the victim of a vastly flawed society. By Victorian standards Tess would be considered a fallen woman, not to be pitied, and most definitely undeserving of any kind of redemption. Hardy turns this idea on it's head with his idea of Tess as a pure woman by showing instead the failures of Victorian society, social norms, religious values, and moral values. The novel is wonderful, and I highly recommend it with 5/5 rating as a classic novel.
I like to ignore the name calling and stereotypes and simply think of myself as an Equalist. Like Hardy however, I feel there is a lot of problems with society and much victim blaming throughout.
So finally, my idea is to take Hardy's novel and write a YA book placing the character of Tess in the 21st Century, as a a modern day teenager facing the consequences of such problems as: the negatives of rape culture and victim blaming, the perpetual glass ceiling for woman still present in the professional world, and the negative outcomes of stereotyping. I would follow the basic story line of the novel, only with a 21st century setting and audience in mind. I hope to bring this to the audience in a setting easily relatable to teenagers and young people, without beating them over the head with my own political views. My objective is less to persuade people into agreeing with a certain way of thinking, and rather opening the readers eyes to the world a little more. The importance of this for young people is something I don't think can be stressed enough. Everyone should be allowed their opinion and free to express it, but it is just as important to see the problems from all sides.
This is the first story idea of mine that directly approaches societal issues so directly and I am a slightly nervous about that. All of my stories have at least some underlying of moralistic values and positive theme, but there is generally a lot more adventuring and fantasy involved, at least enough to balance out the story and authorial intent.
I know I will be writing along a very delicate line that I must balance, but I don't want to back away simply because I'm afraid. I hope am able succeed in this, and all I can do in the meantime is write and see what happens. I have a general outline for the entire plot and about five pages of the beginning. Hopefully the rest will follow.
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