Friday, 23 August 2013

Dead Ever After: The Final Sookie Stackhouse Novel by Charlaine Harris

I rate this Adult Fiction piece 4.5 out of 5

Thirteen books later and I must admit, I am definitely still a fan. I had always been a bit worried about this series. Though interesting, a series so long can many times jump the shark before it finally comes to an end. By this I mean that the writing becomes less immaculate and the characters are forced to do more and more unrealistic and ridiculous things in worn out plot devices simply because the author is grabbing at straws to keep it going. Bad writing, going against characterization, and the inevitable loss of readership is the usual outcomes of such a fate. However, I am happy to report that this last installment of this long supernatural mystery series, is still just about as fresh, fun and intense as the last twelve.

Though I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and finished it in only a few days, I am happy the series came to an end. Amazing writing or no, even the best story world and plot devices can become worn out. I believe Sookie got a good final ending and it should stay that way. For any more crazy happenings to occur for her, it might take on the ‘been there, done that’ feel. As it is, what with running through every enemy, both in every variety of supe, vamp, fairy and human, Sookie might have to outrage some aliens next to mix up the story line (I am kidding…please don’t do this Charlaine!).

All in all it was a really great read and I recommend any fans to devour this last book posthaste.

Note on the end – Spoilers to follow

I am so very happy that Sookie ending up with Sam came to a natural conclusion. As a reader the believability of the situation was really great. It didn’t feel forced or as if the author was making the characters do something they didn’t want to. It came at a natural progression and worked very well.

I also very much appreciated the final note from Sookie, being that she will always strive forward and live her life, man or no man. Sure it is really nice that she probably will end up with her best bud Sam. However, Sookie’s life isn’t hinged on that working out. She has always been presented as a strong independent woman throughout the many dangerous adventures and misadventures she gets into during the novels. Though she takes her fair share of lovers throughout the book, it was never about Sookie needing to be with a man. It was more like the flowery decoration of the novel: a nice steamy scene here and there to break up the violence and intrigue. The idea at the end however is less of romance, but more of good reliable friendship as well as the permanence of Sookie’s presence in her home that has belonged to the Stackhouse’s since her grandparents. It gave the novel a nicely open ending that was not only pleasing but also realistic.

By Alissa Tsaparikos

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