I rate
this book 3.5 out of 5
Lena is back in the Wilds, safe for the moment,
but what was once a place of refuge is now anything but. The Wilds have never
been kind to the uncureds who hid in it's wooded depths, but now there is more
than weather and animals to fear: cureds are coming and they are determined to
wipe the infected out. In their little group it's anything but easy, as Lena
tries to stay alive long enough to fight for the right to love. But things
would be a lot less complicated if Lena even knew which boy she was fighting
for; Julian who followed her into the Wilds with nothing but blind faith and
patient affection, or Alex, her first love brought back from the dead who wants
nothing to do with her.
Requiem as the third and final book in the Delirium series is a good one. It took me a little bit for me to get
into full swing reading of this book, but once I did I was hooked. Though there
is some repetitiveness to the narration, and a few editorial mistakes that I
noticed, it wasn't too distracting and I still enjoyed the story over all. The
split narration between Lena and Hana was also a very interesting move on
Oliver's part. The inside view into a cured's mind was fascinating, and the
experience of juggling between the stories really amped up the tension. I found
myself glued to the pages as the story ran full tilt towards it's climax, and I
do have to say I personally was pleased with the ending. Though this series is
not the most arresting one I've ever immersed myself in, the story and the
world it concerns is very thought provoking and interesting. It would be well
worth any readers’ time to complete this series.
By Alissa Tsaparikos
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