Hey look!
It's April and I have posted far too little about my writing!
So here it is. I've decided to do Camp NaNoWriMo. What's that you say? Well, it's something I only recently came into the know about (and by recently I mean 11pm March 31st). Camp NaNoWriMo is a mini, less intense, version of what all goes on in November. It takes place during the months of April and July. During these months you set your own goal, rather than the pre-set 50,000 words for November. During camp you can work on what you want whether it be a new novel, short pieces of work, drabbles, or what have you. Also, even more fun, other than the usual forums and online writing camaraderie, you get put in cabins for duration of your stay. These metaphorical cabins are groups you are put in based on what type of writing you are doing. For example mine is probably all people doing YA novels, because that's what I put down for my camp project. In this little group you have even more community and you can message the group, asks questions and make new writing friends. Want to know more? Just click here to find out more. Even better, want to try it for yourself? Click here to find the sign up page (you can do so with your NaNoWriMo account or make up a new one).
Come on, you know you want to join us...jooooiiin us, JOIN US!
...Okay we're gonna ignore that little bit there...MOVING FORWARD.
I wasn't sure at first that I was going to participate in the Camp. I already had the goal of finishing by May my novel (the one started this past Nov) and I have been plodding along with that. But there is just something about having a writing community at your back, and being able to see your stats and word count rise before your eyes that just can really motivate. Plus the community feel really adds excitement and happiness to what can usually be a very solitary and often lonely creative calling.
So in the end I decided to give it a go, and so far so good! Day 2 and I've reached 1,175 words of a goal of 15,000 for the month. I have no idea if it will take more or less than 15,000 words to reach the end of this novel. I completely took a stab in the dark and guessed. Seeing as I am solidly on the rising action still and just oh so loooove to get wordy, I think it might be a pretty good guess too. So in all, my goal is to finish this baby by the end of April, officially finishing the first draft of my second novel in six months! Considering that the first draft of my first novel took a little over three years I think I'm pretty good.
So far I'm at a total of 111,595 words, bringing me to 324 pages. I have officially passed up the word count of the first one, and some. Let's see where this month leads me.
Hope all my readers the best, and as always I wish you crazy happiness and lots of writing!
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