This short short is the product of a writing prompt that came out as more of a character development monologue
If a flying piece of debris happened to be heading toward
this room right now, that could be pretty cool, well, hot, but you know what I
mean. It could melt me down to a puddle, bone, muscle, sinew and fat one big
eradicated blob.
The way you stare at me, I wish you
had never come back. There is nothing but judgment in your eyes, a distance that speaks volumes in the silence. At least this is what I’m reading in the
way you refuse to look at me. I only ever wanted to be good enough. But when
every other person is pulling you in a different direction, limbs will
eventually give up to physics and tear right out of their sockets. How do you
think this would equate to someone’s brain?
So if I could have an asteroid fall
from the sky and burn me right off this earth, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad
thing. Someone else could make these decisions that I so obviously fail at. No
wonder this thing we have here is dying. I might have saved us from utter
destruction, but the incline to heaven stopped long ago, and we have been
coasting level ever since, now the only place to go is down.
When you were gone it was so much
easier to not think about us. To ignore the signs I didn’t want to see and
still carry on with a decent amount of confidence. But who am I kidding.
I tried to be funny about this, but
the joke fell flat from my lips. The silence was sickening. I want to be funny
now. Tell a story of some witty humor that will gain the approval I most wish
for, and hopefully the passing nod from you. But this is not monopoly. Do not
pass go, and don’t even think about collecting two hundred dollars.
I should face the facts that even
the things that I mean to be funny will never turn out right. So why would this
time be any different? Melancholy. The word is too big for this piece, an
obstruction of mass proportions messing up the rhythm in my rant. But it
describes me well enough, and no matter how I try to escape it, it will hit me
hard and explode, like this asteroid heading toward me right now.
I had only a few minutes to contemplate
life, and I chose to bitch. Typical. Maybe if I could muster up some
excitement, this situation wouldn’t seem so bad or mayb –
By Alissa Tsaparikos
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