Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Boys and Books

This is more of an inner monologue of a personal moment in my life that I came out on paper rather well. I'm going to formally title it a short short however. Enjoy  ^.^

Today while working at the library on my 12am late shift I was asked out. It was weird, out of the blue and touching. I'm not one of those who gets that kind of attention, and if I do it usually comes in the creep variety with leers and a really bad line. In those moment I usually fake that I have a boyfriend or I'm studying that night, etc. This time was different though. I guess in a shallow way, him being cute could have been a factor, and yet, how he looked had nothing to do with why I'm still thinking about this hours later.

No, it wasn't what he looked like, but how he walked up to the desk hesitantly, a little smile on his lips like he wasn't sure what he was getting himself into. I was sure he had a question, something library related. So when he asked me if I might like to go out for a cup of coffee sometime, 'if I wasn't seeing someone that is?', well I kind of felt like I'd just taken a frying pan to the head. 

Here comes the part where I gush out, 'Of course!' and we run away into the sunset and live happy ever after right? Well, not exactly.

I promptly flushed, probably resulting in my face turning a rather unattractive mottled pink and told him regretfully that I was sorry but I was seeing someone.

And I mean regretfully. Yes, I am seeing someone, that wasn't a lie. And yes it's weird and complicated like most things in my life, but that wasn't the reason. Well...not all of it.
I felt a regret almost painful as he turned bright pink and said okay, have a nice night, a sincere regret coloring his tone. I felt it so harshly, that regret, simply because right there, that guy, was a good one. He didn't get flustered, he wasn't a creep, his eyes didn't roam, and he didn't get surly or pissed the second it was clear I wasn't a marketable object. He simply said have a nice night and I somehow felt sure that I was watching the retreat of a genuinely great person that I wish I could get to know, get to be friends with.

There are a million things in my life that support that the answer I gave was the only one I could. I just finished my last class at this particular university. I will be studying in a different country for the next six months, and ever when I return I'll be living five hours away from where I am now. All these things and more make even what I have now more complicated than I ever wanted it to be. Realistically, there was no way it could ever be sane or fair to add even one more friend to that crazy mix.

And yet. And yet.

I think about his retreating back, and wonder what my life would be like if it could split in two different realities, one where I follow the path I have chosen, one where I go the other way. Could my life be like one of the books I read, where it is that easy to reach out a hand, make a friend, and in turn change your life?

I won't ever know I guess, but somewhere between late shifts, book stacks, and final exams, I'm still thinking about this one guy who asked me out, and how I really  wish I could learn what lights up his life and that one thing that will always make him cry no matter how old he gets.

By Alissa Tsaparikos

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